Yelson Finance Holdings

Healthcare Financing


Are you searching for a trusted company that offers high-quality and reliable public healthcare financing services? Look no further than Yelsen Finance Holdings Limited (Hong Kong).

Yelsen Finance Holdings Limited is one of the most renowned and established healthcare industry financial service providers in the world. Various sectors including medical services, hospitals, and old age homes are making use of our financial solutions.

We provide the best solutions cost-effectively. Our industry expertise makes us equipped to deliver what exactly each customer needs.

  1. Universal Coverage: A key feature of effective health financing is striving towards universal health coverage (UHC), where all individuals and communities have access to needed healthcare services without suffering financial hardship.
  2. Risk Pooling: Health financing systems often involve pooling resources from individuals, employers, governments, and other stakeholders to spread the financial risk of illness across a broad population. This pooling helps ensure that everyone has access to healthcare when needed, regardless of their ability to pay.
  3. Prepayment Mechanisms: Health financing typically involves prepayment mechanisms such as taxes, insurance premiums, or social health insurance contributions. These payments are collected in advance and used to fund healthcare services when individuals require care.
  4. Equitable Financing: Equitable health financing ensures that the burden of healthcare costs is distributed fairly across the population, based on individuals’ ability to pay. Progressive financing mechanisms, such as income-based contributions or taxation, can help ensure that those who can afford to contribute more do so.
  5. Financial Protection: Health financing systems aim to protect individuals and households from catastrophic health expenditures that could push them into poverty. This protection may be achieved through mechanisms such as health insurance, subsidies for low-income populations, or exemptions for certain healthcare services.
  6. Efficiency and Accountability: Effective health financing systems promote efficiency in resource allocation and healthcare delivery, ensuring that funds are used wisely to maximize health outcomes. We also incorporate mechanisms for transparency, accountability, and oversight to prevent misuse of funds and ensure that resources are used effectively.
  7. Health System Strengthening: Health financing is closely linked to efforts to strengthen health systems, including infrastructure development, workforce capacity building, and service delivery improvements. Adequate financing is essential to ensure that health systems can meet the diverse and evolving healthcare needs of populations.
  8. Innovation and Adaptation: Health financing systems need to be innovative and adaptable to respond to changing demographics, epidemiological trends, and healthcare technologies. This may involve exploring new financing mechanisms, leveraging technology for cost-effective service delivery, and continuously evaluating and refining financing strategies to achieve better health outcomes.
  9. Coordination and Collaboration: Collaboration among various stakeholders, including governments, private sector entities, civil society organizations, and international partners, is essential for effective health financing. Coordinated efforts can help mobilize resources, share best practices, and address health financing challenges comprehensively.
  10. Health Promotion and Prevention: Effective health financing goes beyond funding treatment services and also invests in health promotion, disease prevention, and primary healthcare. Investing in preventive measures can reduce the need for costly treatments and improve overall population health.