Yelson Finance Holdings

Service Category: Loan Service

Non Recourse Loan

Non Recourse Loan Non–recourse loan is a type of loan secured by collateral, which is usually property. If the borrower defaults, the issuer can seize the collateral but cannot seek out the borrower for any further compensation, even if the collateral does not cover the full value of the defaulted amount. In a non-recourse loan, […]

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Financial Instrument

Financial Instrument Letter of Credit The Documentary Letter of Credit known as LC or DLC is a written undertaking given by a bank to the seller (beneficiary). The Letter of Credit or Documentary Letter of Credit is a technique for financing International trade by which a bank (issuing bank) takes the irrevocable commitment, at the […]

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Business Loan

Business Loan Over the years, we have built long-term, trusted, and reliable direct relationships with proven Clients and companies all over the world, This is the right financing territory for you if you are looking to start up a new business, expand or reconstruct an existing business, or simply to renovate your business premises. We […]

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Standby Letter of Credit

Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) A Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) is a guarantee of payment issued by an issuing bank on behalf of a client that is used as a “last resort payment” should the client fail to fulfill a contractual commitment with a third party. Standby Letters of Credit (SBLC) are issued as […]

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Bank Guarantees

BANK GUARANTEES We at Yelsen Finance Holdings Limited (Hong Kong) assure bank guarantees to all our customers and take care of all the processes that are involved in it. A Bank Guarantee is a promise made by the bank to meet the liabilities of a debtor in case an individual doesn’t meet the contractual obligations […]

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Monetization Leased Bank Instrument Monetization Myth When you need to monetize a financial instrument to fund your project, you can call one of our finance business consultants at Yelsen Finance Holdings Limited (Hong Kong). We have the knowledge and expertise to monetize any financial instrument for your project’s funding. We get emails from some “broker” […]

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